Destiny (review)

    After so many years of destiny and hundreds of dollars spent to play this game I finally feel like I can properly review this game. Lets get the whole DLC issue out of the way... Most people complain about Destiny's DLC because you have to pay over and over in order to play the full game. Well this game is supposed to be an MMORPG. So if any of you have ever played an MMO you should know that they always have expansions up the ass. Given that I say we should put that problem to rest and stop complaining about dlc its nothing new and most games do DLC very well.  As for Destiny they almost had it right and I say almost because most DLC was lack luster while other DLC was great near great.

   Most of Destiny's DLC was an update to its level system 3 story missions and re-skinned Strike missions and a Bullshit raid, however some DLCs were actually pretty good. I'd say my favorite DLC was the Taken King expansion. It did the same as other DLC but it also added new enemies and new types of mission and it brought back your favorite strikes with added twists. This DLC did it right I would have loved to have seen more expansions like the Taken King. Since this was Bungie's first attempt to make an MMO I will let them slide on the shitty Expansions, but that was not the only thing Bungie messed up on.

   Another problem I had with this game was the amount of players you could have. In Destiny the maximum of party members you can have is 3. 3 whole people! Why?! Why not the average 4 people. Most MMOs let you have 4 or more at times. The party system in destiny sort of sucks but it isn't Bungie's fault. The problem is that this game is a console game unlike most MMOs which are usually computer games. in Most MMOs you can chat in the game with a mic or by typing with the keyboard all while in the game. Destiny however can't do that. I know you can just message with PSN or Xbox live but having to exit the game breaks immersion. and since it breaks immersion it sort of isolates people and makes it hard for people to be able to make friends. This may not be an issue to most people but to me it is. If I'm having this problem then other people will too. For example there are times when I am playing online and I see someone and i want them to help but messaging them outside of the game makes me feel like I am bugging them. Being able to type in the game helps those who are too shy to speak out make new friends.

    Thinking back this is probably why they went with a maximum of 3 player parties, because 3 is a small enough number where if you only have 2 people playing you can still manage to beat some of the more difficult missions. But then there is those bullshit raids! In destiny if you want the best equipment you need to play those raids but in order to finish a raid you need 6 people and they all need to know what to do. There is one thing I like about raids and that is the puzzles each raid has multiple bosses and each have a certain strategy to beat them which makes those fights a lot of fun. However you need at least 6 people and unlike all the other modes you need to create the party before even starting the raid. Also unlike other modes you need all 6 people sometimes you can manage with just 5 but all five of you need to be on your A game. Over time Bungie has improved Destiny's matchmaking but raids still don't have matchmaking.

  Online play aside lets talk about the actual game. there are 3 classes in the game and 3 sub classes there are also 3 attributes. lots of 3s in this game. The 3 attributes are purple blue and red... I mean Fire Electric/Arc and Void. they all suck they don't have any cool sided effects except fire sometimes not sure really why but simetimes it burns and sometimes it does jack. Void doesn't do anything and same goes for arc. So back to the characters, the tree characters are Hunter, Warlock, and Titan. Each character has a sub class for each of the attributes each sub class is pretty much the same for each character. The only thing that changes is the melee attack and grenade but the difference isn't remarkable. However there are things called super abilities and now that is where the change happens. Most of the time though I found my self not using the super ability i just didn't see why i should use it. The Super abilities basically just one hit kill the enemies or weaken them or something but since I played single player a lot I just didn't care. they are very useful if you are playing with other people and fighting a boss. the only good abilities i can think of for single player is the warlock's revive and the titan's shield. The titan is the best character. It has a one hit kill melee punch and its super abilities are over powered. Warlocks are too slow and hunters are too weak, but I played primarily as a hunter because the armor looks fly as fuck.

     Every character has specific armor it can use but each character can use any weapon. The game can be very annoying, because in order to be able to do harder missions to get better weapons you need to get better weapons and you cant get better weapons because you can't do those harder missions. in this game you need to be very lucky and pray you get good guns. Game uses colors to show a weapons rarity white(common) being the lowest, and after that is green(uncommon), and after that is blue(rare) then Purple(legendary), and finally yellow(exotic). Anything under purple is trash so don't expect much out of those guns. When destiny first came out the drop rates were very bad and now they are just bad. It's an improvement. You can hold up to 3 types of weapons at a time. One is a primary weapon( Autorifle, burst rifle, and a semi auto rifle and a pistol), a secondary weapon( shot gun, fusion rifle, sniper, and side arms), and a heavy weapon( Rocket launcher, heavy machine gun, and a sword). Out of these three you only use one exotic weapon and for a good reason. Exotic weapons are really cool and fun to use some have really good designs and have awesome abilities, and most of them are not that hard to obtain. Getting new weapons is what makes this game fun and once you have them using them makes the game enjoyable. however after getting all the exotic weapons the game goes back to being boring for me.

   The armor does the same thing there are 4 pieces of armor the helmet, the chest, the legs, and the unique class item.  the Warlock gets a nice bracelet, the titan gets some lame rag, but the hunter has a hooded cape. You can only equip one exotic armor with the exception of being able to also use an exotic class item at the same time. Armor isn't a big deal really noting too exciting. However this may be all subjective some people may really like collecting armor sets, I usually do but I'm not too sure why in this game I didn't bother to do so.

   To sum it all up the game is totally worth it today its an 8/10. The shooting is awesome the mechanics are cool there is more variety in weapons and skills and armor(now after that awesome Taken King expansion). There were many problems before but with various updates Bungie has turned destiny into a solid game.At the price it is today I would totally recommend this game to anyone.  However I would really like bungie to improve on the games subclass system and if possible the story(But who plays a game for story amiright like if you want a story read a damn book or watch a movie).
