Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment (Review)

   Hopefully most of you know what Shovel Knight is. If you don't know well it is a great example of an indie game done right. Shovel Knight is an action 2D platformer released in the year 2014 and since then there have been 2 added expansions to the game. The latest expansion is the campaign for Specter Knight, which was released first on the Nintendo Switch. Just recently the Wii U version of Shovel Knight was updated. So I played through the entire game and collected everything in the game. Shovel Knight is not a very long game but it is very fun.

   So lets start off with the story. In Shovel Knight each character has its own story. Shovel Knight's story is about saving Shield Knight (His good friend and partner), Plague Knight's story is about love and winning over his sweetheart, Then there is Specter Knight's story. Unlike the other stories this one is a bit more complicated and sort of like a prequel. I will be spoiling parts of the story ahead so if you really care SPOILERS AHEAD. The story of Specter Knight is about two friends, Best friends, Luan and Donavan; the later being Specter knight. The two are trying to find an amulet for Luan's son. (the mini boss Reize). When the find the amulet the encounter Shield Knight who warns them of the evil curse behind the amulet. Donavan however decides to take it anyway and ends up nearly dying and causing the death of his best friend. In order to stay alive, and protect his best friend's son, Donavan decides to make a deal with the Enchantress( the final boss) and become one of her henchmen. Part of the deal was that Specter Knight also had to find other knights to join her, thus forming The Order of No Quarter. Half way through the game you encounter Reize and Specter Knight warns him by telling him to leave before he gets Hurt. Sadly the Enchantress comes in and decides to give take control over him. Once Specter Knight defeats all the bosses he and Black Knight come to the conclusion that she must be stopped. In the end Specter Knight is not able to defeat the Enchantress but instead gives her his undying loyalty in exchange for Reize's freedom. So this campaign adds a lot of Back story to all the characters in the Shovel Knight universe. There are many other small details I skipped over that show a bit of back story for other characters in the game.  

   As for game play, the controls are tight and very responsive. Each character has a unique play style, Shovel Knight's is very simple and easy to master. Plague Knight is very fast and can get very fun when trying to speed run. Specter Knight on the other hand is complicated; his movement can get some getting use to. When Playing as Specter Knight you can run up walls, wall jump, and you can preform a dash attack that you can use to push you diagonally upwards or downwards. In each level you have to be very precise and quick or else you will end up falling to your doom. In a way this game reminds me a lot of Megaman X, which by the way is my mistake. Since it reminded me of Megaman X I tried playing it like Megaman X. This game does not work like Megaman X. I died many times. The levels can be very hard and sometimes it requires a lot of trial and error, but when you get the hang of it you can speed right through them. Fighting bosses is also very fun Specter Knight is very powerful and you can feel the power, but since he is so powerful the boss fights have been remixed to add some more platforming to them. This however only makes it more rewarding when you win.

   As a free update to Shovel Knight this game goes far beyond my expectations. If you don't have Shovel Knight then you can either buy the full game or buy just the Specter Knight campaign alone for cheaper. In both cases this game is very much worth buying. I give Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment a 10/10.
