Storytelling In Video Games


   In my destiny review I mentioned that I wished there was improvements to the story of the game. I also said I didn't really care too much about stories in games. So it got me thinking (what the fuck am I even trying to say) I should explain my point of view on storytelling in video games.

   The problem I have with stories in games is that they can either really improve a game or they can drag a game to its grave. (I'm talking to fucking you Assassin's Creed) Assassin's Creed has a good game and story in there but after two games it all went to shit. The first one had shitty slow game play but the story was building up to something very interesting so it got me to play the next one. Then the next one came out and the game play was amazing and the story was getting there but then the story took a left turn. Without spoiling the ending all I got to say is that they ruined the ending in order to keep making shitty games. The story of a game if not done right can limit creativity, because they have to make the game follow the story and if the creators want to make more games they have to develop the story and if the story is being extended so much it will get dull and boring.  For example Halo the first three were awesome the story was great but then 4 came out (I beat that game once and I played through halo 3 countless times).

  I believe a video game does not need a story in order to be good. For example the huge success of a game, Minecraft. All you do is mine and craft and survive (Minecraftsurvive isn't a good name so they just went with Minecraft). Say what you will about that game but its still a good game and its still fun. Most games with a heavy focus on multiplayer don't need a bullshit story to make it good and if they do have some story its just added extra for the die hard fans. As we all know multiplayer games are not the only games in the world there are such things as single player games and that is where my argument gets difficult.

   Games have goals it's what keeps us playing. In a Multiplayer game it is to win but in a single player game it is to finish the game or collect what you have to collect or beat the bad guy. Since single player games are about beating the final boss or collecting things you need a reason why. Old games it use to be very simple. Either they have someone captive or world is at stake. However now games tend to give you other reasons to hate the final boss, but not all games are like that just like, The Last Of Us. There is no final boss; the story is about the struggle of the main character and about making the right choice. Without spoiling the game i have to simply put it that you sympathize with the main character and  in the end you care a lot about the characters. The game play on the other hand is just okay at best (basically you just walk from point A to point B and shoot some guys. there is crafting in the game but who cares). So here lies my problem; A game's story should not shadow the game play. It should compliment it. Legend of Zelda and Dark Souls are good examples of this. Both games at first glance do not have anything special going on, in regards to its story, but they both tell it through the characters in the games the scenery and in some cases the description of items.

