KNACK (review)

Guess what I finally got around too? Well if you haven't figure out yet, even though the title does say "Knack review" and this is a video game blog... and there's clearly a main cover with the title Knack slapped on the center of the damn monsters face on the picture up above ☝ But hey who am I to judge ones ability to understand commonsense! Whew* sorry for the rant not sure what came over, oh! yeah I think it may be because I just spent a crap-ton of the last few days repeating campaigns multiple times so I can Platinum this game! But we'll get around to that later. For now I want to talk my experience when I first got the game.
Hopefully as I'm sure we all realize, Knack was a launch PS4 game developed so to show off the amount of particle-effects the console had to offer... or a least it tried, as I've seen on many a play-through (and I mean many!) as the frame-rate will drop on a multitude of occasion. Which as I'll vaguely mention, isn't what you always want when dealing with the curve difficulty.
Lucky the game has scattered materials in each level, closed away in chests that need to gathered in order to unlock secret goodies such as; power upgrades, tech devices, and relic varieties.  The relic skins can only be implemented outside of the story, or on a new game, and trust me your gonna wanna heed my advice.
If you're a Platinumist such as I (and for what ever reason want to take a crack at completing this game) you may want to start the game on normal and just keep playing on the same save until you've unlocked everything [from gadgets to relics]. Don't be an idiot like meh, and simply take my advice as the more rare items can get agonizing to get. Those damn diamonds, get 'em as they spawn!
I wouldn't have had such an infuriating time with Knack if wasn't for a few minor designs that probably could have easy been fixed if the developers looked more closely at the title One of the biggest problem is mainly the character size imbalance. As someone who has played through the game multiple times, I can confirm that on any difficulty playing as tiny knack will always suck. 👎😡💢
Don't get it twisted, as I didn't not enjoy playing Knack (← Yes I'm aware that a double negative) its just that... the negatives out-way the positives in this case. As a launch title the video game isn't really that bad. If you can find this game in a bargain sale, or some kind last-second deal, I say go for it. However, I understand if you don't, games' kinda mediocre as far as launch titles went for the PS4 in the year 2013.

Rating: ⭐⭐☆☆☆

Tips & Tricks:

  • many enemies are skippable, take advantage 
  • collect and use sparingly sun-gems, just in case
  • for the love of god! stick to one or two saves
