Sonic Mania (review)

Sonic on Switch

There are very few video games I desired upon the launch of the Nintendo Switch, and none were as anticipated for me than the portable/stationed version of SEGA's latest entry. However, prior to purchasing the game fellow blogger Sebastion, showcased the game over at his place, after a quick overview its exactly what I wanted from a retro sonic title. Unfortunately for whatever reason it took me a long time to get around to passing the game, mainly because I wanted to experience my first play-through on my monitor, but a lack of skill made it impossible for me to sit down and repeatedly keep playing a level until upon completion. This circumstance had led me to change-up my gameplay tactics, which had went as follows; after dying too many times in a level I would switch to portable mode and pass a troubling stage while binge watching a Netflix show. The game is filled with a multitude of classic sonic collectables as well as re-playable levels. Sonic Mania is great purchase for variety of reasons; the ladder of which is a love letter to all sonic fans out there. 
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟4/5
