PUBG mobile

The Long Wait
This game popularized a brand new genre in video games world, although not the first to pull of an open-world-system dedicated to multiplayer. A Battle Royal system appears to be something many future titles will definitely take note of. I originally considered picking up the title on STEAM during its grand inception, but with a paywall and low poly-count, had me hesitant to pick up the PC game. Not to long after, competitors to this video game started to come out, and despite all that I still hadn't made my purchase, especially when I heard a mobile version was in the works. And so here we are, the smartphone version is out, and I've been eager to see what all the hullabaloo is about.

Dropping In
The game allows for simple cosmetic options, which makes sense to not over-complicated your characters appearance since you avatar will be covered from head-to-toe in important gear. Survival is key here, with everyone on the map being an enemy, even your own temporary allies. And with an ever enclosing parameter-dome, the best way to play matches is to stick with a team as long as possible, near the center as possible. If you decide to stray further from center of the map, you better make sure you find some good gear and a vehicle. It appears the game had microphone functionality, but I have yet to really get into mobile gaming that much, perhaps this will be the game to do it.

Having Fun
This is a "bananas" gaming experience, and with a solid port version free for all phone user's. The enjoyment for me really comes to the amount of flexibility this game has to offer, you can honestly approach this game any way you like. However, there are some obviously glaring issues hinder this experience. I played on an iPhone 7,  and I only was able to play two or three rounds before the battery started to take a nose-dive, which is fine if you only plan of playing say once a day. Also - and on a final note - the game doesn't completely meet my criteria for a perfect phone game; but gets close.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5
